
At an early age most of us learn that life is sometimes unfair. A more mature human usually, eventually, comes to the realization that there is some kind of justice in the universe — a balance that works out in strange and sometimes unexpected ways. This week, if you feel that in some regard you are underprivileged, it will be rectified as retrograde Mercury and Jupiter form an alliance in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). An awakening takes place. You realize that you are a force for kindness and decency, and it’s up to you to uphold these values. You have other goals, but they all serve your primary aim — to raise the energy around you wherever you go. It’s a secret intention, perhaps an unconscious one, but a noble purpose nonetheless.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). There is nothing too sinister afoot, but still something isn’t right. Uncanny incidents are just too coincidental for your comfort. You wonder if someone is trying to pull one over on you. Step back and take a good, long, hard look. Stay alert. Investigate to assuage your doubts so that you can get back to living well.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’ll love how things are shaping up, though maybe not at first. It’s an uncomfortable bit of upheaval, but it’s all for the best. The change makes you stretch and maybe it stings, which gets your attention. If you weren’t already living as consciously as you could be, you’ll be powerfully focused by week’s end.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). You would like to say that you are using a strategy in order to gain favor within an organization. It would be cool to think you are in control of your rise to power. But in fact, you are simply acting on instinct with little clue about what’s going to happen next. And it’s all working perfectly. So keep trusting yourself!

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Troubleshooting is your forte. Saying yes is your weakness. Sure, you accomplish more in your spare time helping others than some manage all week. Avoid becoming the neighborhood handyman though. Make sure you’re not taken for granted. And apply yourself to your own work and dreams.

THIS WEEK’S BIRTHDAYS: You are compelled to give more of yourself than is possible this year. Your contentment relies on valuing the help you give without having to promise more. Even if you only help a person one time, being present in a moment of need has profound impact. You will be on the receiving end of fawning attention and bountiful assistance in March. Your talents grow through the spring and by June you are ready to step into a leadership role. You will be upgrading your lifestyle with a July move.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). It will be wonderful to get out of your environment. If physical travel is not possible, you can get the same effect by losing yourself in a book, a special friendship or other entertainment. The silver screen inspires too. Seeing someone else successfully handle a similar situation gives you an ingenious idea.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Your cause will greatly benefit from your impassioned participation this week. You not only have the verve that will help bring about change, you also have the charming personality that will draw in the people you need most on your side. Saturday, be careful not to get in the way of the wheels of your project.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Falling in love, whether with another being or an endeavor, is indeed a gamble — as is everything in life. You cannot win if you do not play. You’re probably not entirely ready to put your heart on the line, so it’s helpful to remember that solitude has its own risks too. You get braver as the week goes on.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). There is a kind of rage in your belly this week but it’s not necessarily about being angry. Think of this as raw fuel that you can apply anywhere you so desire. If there’s someone who deserves your wrath, you may unleash it. But it’s probably better to put this intense power to proactive use on your pet project.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Though you usually aspire to being the one in charge, you also recognized the value in learning from those more experienced than you. This week you throw your full support behind a dynamic new boss or leader. Reserve your generous contributions until you see that your approach will be appreciated.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You are well meaning, but peacekeeping tactics may not have the desired effect. Good will cannot be squeezed from anyone’s heart. But you can work to create an equal and fair environment. The best way to lead is to live right. Your example of justice for all is appealing and easy for others to follow.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You are a charter member of a formidable group of smart and good-hearted people, and this week it’s your turn to lead them. Take your group beyond what is status quo in your neck of the woods. You’ll see changes in the way things are done as early as Wednesday. Your community will be grateful for your vision.