
Clutch your cell phones ladies and gentlemen, the planet Mercury is going retrograde and it’s so easy to lose track of those handy little accessories and other communication devices. Day to day logistics are at risk as well, so keep your schedule straight, your car fueled and your bills in order. When extra attention to organization is paid, you can get through this transit, which goes through Feb. 1, unscathed.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Just when you were starting to wonder who you’ve become, this week brings an opportunity to do something that is more authentically you. Follow your impulses, no matter how outrageous they seem. You may be exercising muscles you haven’t used for a long time, ones that support the rare agility to be yourself.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Your passion is controlled and powerful. Actions spurred by fervent emotions bring surprising changes and a feeling of fulfillment much richer than expected. These changes are pieces of a bigger puzzle, showing you better ways to live. Cast this thinking into the future to snag those little things called dreams.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’ve been responsible, accountable and dependable. Now it’s time to be distant! Your ambitious aims are met through travel. Foreign ideas tempt your imagination. Far horizons promise to open your world and mind. And, if you’re looking like your passport picture, you probably need the trip. Bon Voyage!

CANCER (June 22-July 22). The expectations of those around you seem to be in opposition of your nature. Why do they want you to be other than that which you are? Perhaps they just don’t know you well enough. Let them get to know the real you. Fly those strong opinions, interesting habits, wicked talents and charming flaws.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The difference between familiar love and the love you show the general public is worth pondering this week. When you treat your family with the same polite manner that brings you acclaim from those you encounter in the workplace, you strike it rich. Make this behavior a habit and your senior years will truly be golden.

THIS WEEK’S BIRTHDAYS: You’re a passion magnet. You draw out the wild emotion in others. You find unexpected ways to do this, which intensifies your effect. Over the next 10 weeks, you have a knack for projects and various involvements that others find fascinating. You could add numbers to a group, get people to attend events, sign up several new members to a club or sell large amounts of a product or service. The money picture brightens in May. Close relationships thrive in June. Commitments ensue.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). This week tests your tenacity. So if it seems you are perpetually being sent back to the drawing board, it’s not because your ideas are poor; it’s because you are being groomed to take your rightful place among those who you have long admired. Keep coming up with new solutions and applying them with gusto.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). If it seems your mission has been filled with struggle, you can relax — the trial is soon complete. A healthier version of life is taking over and by Thursday you will be confident in the change. This weekend the self-portrait you present to the world will achieve your desired effect; everyone you encounter will be mesmerized.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Trust the belief system that has gotten you this far. Stick to your principles, but be flexible about the pace at which you proceed. Fast or slow, you will arrive at exactly the right moment. This weekend, exercise has a profound effect on your sense of emotional well-being. Keeping that in mind is easier said than done.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Love and accept yourself. As you do this more, the approval of others matters less. And yet, when you don’t need that constant flow of admiring attention, you somehow attract abundant amounts of it. If all could find the degree of self-acceptance that you find this week, the world would be at peace.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). As an ever-evolving human, there may never be a time when you do not need to forgive someone else or yourself. So you make forgiveness a habit. This week’s experiences help you further master the skill of letting grievances go. You have so much to do that you don’t have the energy to harbor negativity.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). There’s a litany of juicy tasks you want to sink your teeth into and Wednesday’s opportunity allows you to soon cross something off the list. Education is needed to do it right. Your quest for knowledge connects you with interesting people, however don’t discount your own instinct. You know more than you think you do.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Here’s something to come to terms with: Loved ones may never behave as you would prefer. Let the reality liberate you. So, the world is not under your control — great! This week you’ll be surprised and enthralled by the unfolding splendor, watching it like a movie. When it’s your turn to act, you’ll play it with grace.