
On the eve of the full moon in Leo, playful ideas begin to percolate. It’s as though a child inside has been awakened from a long nap and is refreshed and ready to explore. The mere mention of mischief is a delight, though most won’t fully commit to crazy fun until tomorrow when the wild full moon makes the frivolity seem a little bit irresistible.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Good news: There are no drastic measures necessary to solve a problem, even one that seems enormous. Small adjustments will do the trick. In many cases all that’s needed is friendly cheer to smooth things over.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). That person who tells you that you can’t have what you want? It’s entirely possible they want it for themselves. So do a little covert investigation. It’s likely you will end up getting exactly what you planned.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). There is so much for you to do to keep this lifestyle you’ve created rolling along. Consider making some cuts, especially with your things. The less stuff you have, the fewer hours you’ll need to spend in maintenance.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Happy people are strong people. Scientific research proves that even your immune system is better when you’re worry free. During this afternoon’s gleeful mood you’ll do something you didn’t know you could do.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). It’s hectic out there. Everywhere you turn you’ll get information you don’t need or want. Insulate your sensitive soul and protect your creativity. Anchor yourself in a routine that promotes your health and well-being.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (FEBRUARY 8). You move your life to a better place this year. This month after some soul searching and a realization or two you get clear about what your goal is. Spring brings hard work and a lucky break, too. Someone pursues you vehemently in April. Travel is favored for August. Your family grows in December. Capricorn and Cancer adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 11, 5, 26, 50 and 32.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’re in a fanciful mood and your powers of imagination are at a high. You will mentally project yourself into different situations just to try them on. This is a powerful form of wishing, so go carefully.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You may be compassionate, easy going and tolerant in matters that concern your personal life, but when it comes time to wheel and deal, you’re tough. Business is business and you’re not about to agree to anything unfair.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You’ll be responsible for solving a problem within an organization. E-mail and written correspondence won’t tell the whole story. You’ll learn the nuances of a situation by actually talking to the people involved.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). When you need something from someone, it puts you in an awkward position. To improve the dynamics of a relationship, be as self-sufficient as possible. You’re so charming when there’s nothing at stake.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Much of what’s going on has nothing to do with you; however, there is a ripe opportunity in the middle with your name all over it. You’ll be able to take advantage of the situation by staying impartial.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You want to connect with others and you may have to adjust your communication style in order to do so. An old familiar behavior won’t fly in a new crowd. It’s admirable how adaptable you can be.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). If you had your own novelty t-shirt made up just for today it would probably say “wake up, people!” Every day you grow in consciousness and because of your influence others will want to be more aware.

FORECAST FOR THE WEEK AHEAD: Tomorrow features the first lunar eclipse of the year. Every year there are at least two, and up to five lunar eclipses. This year boasts four — not bad at all. The eclipse tomorrow is a penumbral eclipse, so only a portion of sunlight will be blocked and it will be visually unnoticeable for the most part, but the mystical implications are still present. Some ancient superstitions saw the lunar eclipse as a bad omen. The modern mystics usually bring a more enlightened view to this shadow aspect. The eclipse doesn’t signify bad luck so much as change. And besides, who is to say what is good luck and what is bad luck? Someone always benefits when fortunes turn and it is not always the one who makes the money, gets the girl or scores the winning point. Sometimes the money breeds new problems, the girl is a handful and the winning point starts a jealous backlash. Our job is to strive for what we believe is right and hope for the best outcome for all involved. It is our interpretation of events and not the events themselves that will impact our lives. So let this lunar eclipse refresh our optimism, for every shadowy moon has a silver lining.

CELEBRITY PROFILES: Seth Green has gone from a loveable friend of Buffy the Vampire Slayer to being a ubiquitous name in the entertainment industry with acting credits on television, movies, in animation and as a producer. He even plays a rough and tumble playboy version of himself on the HBO hit series “Entourage.” Eclectic Aquarius people are known for working in multiple media at once.