MoveOn council to stage support for health care reform

The Kaw Valley MoveOn Council will be staging its support for health care reform Tuesday, Dec. 8, at Ninth and Massachusetts streets.

About 20 members will give a street performance, “Cost of Delay Vigil,” from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.

It will be a game show format with an announcer and three Vanna White lookalikes who will display three possible answers for each question. The public is encouraged to play and will be up against “Billionaires for Wealthcare.”

Jo Andersen, coordinator, said the goal is to support health care reform and educate the public about the issues.

“A lot of people don’t understand what this is all about,” she said. “They think it’s about death panels and abortion and stuff that really has nothing to do with health care reform.”

For example, she said, one question will be “What does the number 2,547 represent?” It’s the average number of people per day who file bankruptcy because of health care costs.

Prizes will be given to the winners.

The Kaw Valley Council is part of, a grassroots national organization.

“Its main focus is to get away from silly stuff and move on to what’s important,”Andersen said. “We are very much actively encouraging Congress and the President to pass the important issues and to stop wasting time on things that don’t really matter.”