Simplify a parent’s visit to the E.R.

If you help care for an elderly parent, you can save yourself a world of headache by planning ahead for a possible emergency visit to the hospital.

To help, here are some tips from the American College of Emergency Physicians:

• Medical history form: Go to and obtain a form that you and your parent’s physicians can help you complete. On the form you will list what medications your parent is taking, allergies as well as past and current medical conditions. Bring this form to the emergency department with your parent and give to the emergency physician.

• Anticipate admission: Bring a change of clothes and some personal items in case your parent is admitted to the hospital. You can always leave them in the car.

• Know physician contacts: Do you know all the names of the doctors your parents see? You should. Take some time now and find out their names, contact information, why your mother or father sees them and how long they have been seeing them. Write it down and hand it to the doctor or nurse in the emergency department. If you are traveling, have copies of the most recent doctor summary and a copy of an EKG if it is abnormal.

• Convey parent’s state of mind: You know your parent better than the doctor. If he or she seems confused, explain to the physician what “normal” behavior is like. If the doctor is talking to you, make sure you are talking to your parent. Do your best to make sure they understand what is going on. The doctors may have to run tests, conduct an examination or be admitted to the hospital. Keep the conversation open with your parent.

• Consider living wills: A difficult thought, but important nonetheless. It’s one to prepare for. If a condition is life-threatening, you need know what the plan will be and what your parents’ wishes are.

• Report on recent surgeries: Keep track of surgeries, especially ones involving implanted devices such as hip replacements, or pacemakers.

• Simplify insurance information: Have a single sheet of paper with insurance and identification information.

• Resist downplaying: Realize that elderly patients often will talk down their symptoms to doctors or nurses and only tell it like it is to family members. Be ready to fill in the additional information if necessary.

• Be patient: Realize the more the complaints (almost always the older the patient), the longer it takes to work up the problems. Be patient with your physicians and your parent.