Speed up the healing of a bruise

The body needs time to heal bruises, which are caused by trauma to small blood vessels beneath the skin. But there are ways to help speed up the process, doctors say:

• Ice it. On the day you get a bruise, apply an ice pack to reduce swelling as well as constrict broken blood vessels. Those vessels then may leak less blood.

• Avoid heat. In the first two or three days after bruising yourself, a very hot bath or shower could cause more bleeding and swelling. It’s also smart to lay off alcohol.

• Elevate if possible. If you bruise your leg, reduce some pressure to the injured area by propping it up.

• Use the right medicine. Most people who take a painkiller for a bad bruise should choose a product with acetaminophen (Tylenol or Excedrin, for example) instead of aspirin, which can interfere with blood clotting.

• Eat well. Foods high in healthy vitamins and minerals help the body heal itself faster. A good example is vitamin C, found in many fruits and vegetables.

• Drink a lot. Keeping the body hydrated with water or herbal teas also helps boost the immune system.

• Heat it up (eventually). After the first two or three days, applying warm compresses to a bruise may help open up healthy blood vessels around it. Try compresses for 15 minutes three times a day.

• Don’t smoke. Cigarettes delay the healing process.