Calorie count: How many do you need?

Daily calorie consumption has increased among American adults, from an average of 2,234 per day in 1970 to an average of 2,757 in 2003, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The number of calories needed each day to maintain weight varies according to age, gender and activity level. A calorie calculator to individualize your intake can be found on the USDA Web site

Here are some general calorie consumption recommendations from the USDA:

• Active women ages 19-30: 2,400

• Active women ages 31-50: 2,200

• Active women age 51 or older: 2,200

• Active men ages 19-30: 3,000

• Active men ages 31-50: 3,000

• Active men age 51 or older: 2,800

• Sedentary women ages 19-30: 2,000

• Sedentary women ages 31-50: 1,800

• Sedentary women age 51or older: 1,600

• Sedentary men ages 19-30: 2,400

• Sedentary men ages 31-50: 2,200

• Sedentary men age 51 or older: 2,000

Active is defined as a lifestyle that includes physical activity equivalent to walking more than three miles a day at 3 to 4 miles per hour in addition to the light physical activity associated with typical day-to-day life.