Palin leadership?

To the editor:

David Reynolds says that Sarah Palin has shown real leadership. Leadership. Really? Palin said that she killed the infamous Bridge to Nowhere and saved taxpayers millions of dollars. But what she doesn’t say is that she was for the bridge before she was against it. She opposed it only after Congress killed it, and then guess what? She kept the money, saving taxpayers not one dime. Is that leadership or hypocrisy?

She says she opposes earmarks, but she secured millions of dollars in earmarks for the tiny town of Wasilla and many more millions of earmarks as the governor of Alaska. Leadership or hypocrisy?

She billed Alaska taxpayers for more than $17,000 in per diem expenses for more than 300 nights she spent at home. Leadership or hypocrisy? And guess what, those rebates she issued came out of your pocket. That’s right, Alaska residents got “rebates” because the oil and gas companies were recording record profits while we were paying close to $4 a gallon for gas. Leadership indeed.

Rick Ingram,