Scouting news

Members of Boy Scout Troop 59, chartered to the First Presbyterian Church in Lawrence, went to the Cosmosphere in Hutchinson on Aug. 23. The Scouts learned about space and rocketry, then built and launched their own rockets for the Space Exploration merit badge.

Scouts who received the badge were Matthew Day, Frank Depenbusch, George Depenbusch, Sam Evans, Jacob DiVilbiss, TJ Everett, James Fredrickson, Ty Hartman, Dustin Hauptman, Nathan Kappelman, Luke Oberrieder, Sam Oliver, Geoff Peard, Jack Powell, Tanner Smith, Taylor Smith, Kyle Vogelsang, Jakob Walter, Evan Williams and Reid Williams. Cub Scouts Charlie Evans and Keifer Smith also participated.

Troop 59 leaders and adults attending were Sandy Day, Kirk Evans, Chris Everett, Clay Kappelman, Dave Oberrieder, Mike Oberrieder, Kelley Smith, Patrick Smith, Audrey Taylor and Brian Walter.