Croquette recipe puts leftover mashed potatoes to use

If you’re stretching your food dollars, Pear-Shaped Potato Croquettes will take care of leftover mashed potatoes made the previous day. For best results, use starchy potatoes such as Russets, and make sure the potatoes are well-seasoned. Be sure not to use runny mashed potatoes for this recipe; the croquettes won’t hold their shape if the potatoes aren’t stiff.

Pear-Shaped potato croquettes

1 egg

1 cup fine, plain bread crumbs

3 cups cold mashed potatoes, divided (see note)

1-2 strands uncooked angel hair spaghetti or regular spaghetti

6 dried bay leaves

Vegetable oil, for frying

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees if baking the croquettes. (Alternatively, you can use a deep fryer to cook them.)

Lightly beat the egg in a shallow dish. Set aside. Pour the bread crumbs onto a plate.

Using an ice cream scoop or a piping bag with a wide tip, divide the mashed potatoes into 6 mounds about 1/2 cup each.

Roll a mound between your palms to mold it into a pear shape. Coat the molded potato in the beaten egg, then bread crumbs. Place upright onto a baking sheet. Repeat with remaining mounds of mashed potatoes.

If baking, cook the potato croquettes in the oven until bread crumbs are golden brown, about 15-20 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool.

If deep frying, heat oil in a deep fryer to 375 degrees. (Test the temperature with a deep-fry thermometer.)

Place 2 or 3 croquettes into the oil and cook until bread crumbs are golden brown, about 3-5 minutes. Transfer to a paper-towel lined plate to drain. Repeat with remaining croquettes.

Transfer croquettes to a serving platter. Break off 6 pieces from a spaghetti strand. (Each should be a little longer than a pear stem.) Insert a spaghetti strand into the top of a croquette to mimic a pear stem. Then insert a bay leaf into the top of the croquette to mimic a leaf on a pear. Repeat with remaining croquettes, then serve immediately. Serves 6.