Regulations may affect shelter

New regulations up for approval Tuesday likely will affect the process to find a new home for the Lawrence Community Shelter.

Loring Henderson, director of the shelter, 214 W. 10th St., is urging commissioners to keep the regulations flexible enough to allow his group to look at several locations to move the shelter out of downtown.

Some neighborhood groups, though, have lobbied the city to write the regulations so that a large-scale shelter – a shelter serving more than 15 people – could not be within 200 feet of a residence.

Henderson said that requirement would make it next to impossible to find any suitable location in the city.

As the regulations are proposed, such a distance buffer is not included.

Rich Minder, a founder of the Delaware Street Commons cohousing community in East Lawrence, is urging commissioners to add the buffer.

He said a homeless shelter would not be an appropriate use near a residential neighborhood.

Henderson previously has confirmed that the shelter was exploring an industrial site at 13th and Oregon streets.

The site is near several single-family homes.

Henderson on Friday said shelter leaders were still looking at several possible locations, and expected to begin making more progress on finding a new home for the shelter once the new regulations are approved.