World leaders point fingers at US

? Astounded by the U.S. government’s failure to resolve the financial crisis threatening the foundations of the global free market, fingers of blame are pointing at America from around the planet.

Latin American leaders say the U.S. must quickly fix the financial crisis it created before the rest of the world’s hard-won economic gains are lost.

“The managers of big business took huge risks out of greed,” said President Oscar Arias of Costa Rica, whose economy is highly dependent on U.S. trade. “What happens in the United States will affect the entire world and, above all, small countries like ours.”

In Europe, where some blame a phenomenon of “casino capitalism” that has become deeply engrained from New York to London to Moscow, there is more of a sense of shared responsibility. But Europeans also blame the U.S. government for letting things get out of hand.

Amid harsh criticism is a growing consensus that stricter financial regulation is needed to prevent unfettered capitalism from destroying economies around the globe.

And leaders of developing nations that kept spending tight and opened their economies in response to American demands are warning of other consequences – a loss of U.S. influence globally and the likelihood that the world’s poor will suffer the most from greed by the biggest players in global finance.

“They spent the last three decades saying we needed to do our chores. They didn’t,” a grim-faced Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said Tuesday.

Even staunch U.S. allies like Colombian President Alvaro Uribe blasted the world’s most powerful country for egging on uncontrolled financial speculation that he compared to a wild horse with no reins.

“The whole world has financed the United States, and I believe that they have a reciprocal debt with the planet,” he said.

It’s harder for European leaders to point the finger directly at the United States since many of their financiers participated in the recklessness.