Some sources of inspiration after a job loss

Several readers have asked me to recommend books for people who are struggling with losing a job and finding new work. I consulted Laura Kasper, a Washington psychologist who works with clients on career and life-management issues. Below are her top recommendations.

• “Career Comeback: Eight Steps to Getting Back on Your Feet When You’re Fired, Laid Off, or Your Business Venture Has Failed,” by Bradley Richardson (Broadway, 2004, $19). Kasper recommended this book because it addresses each stage of the loss of a job, from negotiating the severance package, and setting up financial and emotional support systems.

• “The Job Loss Recovery Guide: A Proven Program for Getting Back to Work — Fast!,” by Lynn Joseph (New Harbinger Publications, 2003, $14.95). Kasper recommended this for someone feeling unable to take the steps he or she knows are needed to recover, get support, get finances in shape and look for another job.

• “Fired, Laid Off or Forced Out: A Complete Guide to Severance, Benefits and Your Rights When You’re Starting Over,” by Richard C. Busse (Sphinx Publishing, 2005, $14.95). This book is written by a lawyer who addresses legal issues related to pre-termination and termination.