Too much delay

Why should America have to wait until late January for the man they elected Nov. 4 to take office?

It’s ridiculous for Americans to vote someone into the presidency on Nov. 4 and then have things parked in limbo because he does not officially take office until Jan. 20.

In about a 10-week delay, the outgoing president is likely to do little of substance because of his “lame duck” status and a Congress that does not want to do anything that might make the outgoing president look good. The incoming chief executive may be legally prevented from taking charge and getting things moving. Times have changed, folks!

To be sure, election campaigns, particularly one like our 2008 marathon, are too long and draining, not to mention costly. The participants and their followers deserve a little time to recuperate, regroup and get their legs back under them.

There may have been a time when America could afford the luxury of the election-inauguration gap. No longer. The economy, our security, the war situation, health care issues and all their troublesome associates are plaguing us this very instant. Why should we have to wander around until Jan. 20 before much of significance is, or can be, done?

We know there are briefings and interim sessions between old and new officialdom and that everyone is not exactly sitting on a beach. But the format ought to allow President-elect Obama, or any president-elect, not only to start naming his new staff and key cabinet leaders immediately but also work with the outgoing administration on policy issues.

One of the most vital assignments for the new regime is to find ways to restore public trust and confidence in government and the people in it. Who is going to call the shots and shepherd the funding set aside to get our financial situation back on track? Who will begin to repair our badly damaged image internationally? What about the conduct of our war efforts and our fight against terrorism? Won’t our detractors and enemies find it easy to exploit a 10-week gap in continuity?

It’s a mighty long way from November to late January and there is no earthly reason our country and its leaders should not be using that period far more efficiently than they are.