Voters may welcome ‘Obama babies’ in 9 months

? The term “Obama Baby” has joined the English language amid speculation that Tuesday’s crowds of emotionally charged voters probably went home and just cold got it on.

The Urban Dictionary Web site now offers the definition:

“1. Obama Baby: A child conceived after (Barack) Obama was proclaimed President by way of celebratory sex … I was born July 2009. I’m an Obama baby!”

A series of social-networking inquiries by the Chicago Tribune (Q: Did you?) yielded anecdotal support. Subjects were granted anonymity for obvious reasons.

Yes, said a Chicago media research director. Hope and beer fueled her decision. Yes, said a married woman in Georgia. Almost, said a woman in Indianapolis (late returns left her too tired). One man in Milwaukee said he and his wife made love on the floor, her idea. “Yes We Can!” the man added.

“Being in a thrilling situation, whether it’s one of fear or one of joy – either way – tends to draw people together,” explained Beverly Palmer, a California State University psychology professor. “You sort of reach for each other in those kinds of situations.”

Political operatives have long waxed about we-may-never-meet-again sex in campaigns fueled by high emotions, late nights and close working conditions.

But leave it to Obama to spread the wealth to the voters.