Liberty: America’s guiding light

Our country is sensing a great looming economic, monetary, foreign and social crisis. Republicans and Democrats at all levels of government are promoting a social, welfare and warfare state. We are locked in a great struggle of belief systems deciding freedom vs. slavery, individual responsibility vs. dependence on the state, peace vs. police state, privacy and choice vs. government intrusion and dictation. We are accepting socialism, corporatism, statism and mild fascism with military imperialism from both parties. In these times of uncertainty, fear, war and domestic tyranny, we can always look to our fundamental principles for guidance: one, the greatest achievement by mankind, our Constitution, and the second, the idea of liberty.

Economically, our wealth is being destroyed through government intervention and regulation, the confiscating and control of all forms of personal property, the ruin of our currency through Federal Reserve counterfeiting, expanding credit, enslaving taxation, and perpetual war. We have been in a recessionary downturn since March of 2001. Our interfering government is determined to prevent it, but is actually sustaining it with more deficit spending and stimulus and moving our economy towards an inevitable conclusion.

Socially, our government’s involvement hinders freedom of association, retards social cooperation and creates segregation, dependency on the state, racial tension, division and distrust. Morally, it is a weird phenomenon that as individuals we would not accept slavery, murder, intimidation and thievery in our personal relationships but we find it acceptable of our government to do it in our behalf to our own countrymen and foreign nations. These examples are the result of our leaders’ careless disregard for and erosion of liberty.

There is hope. However, “hope” is a completely worthless word without determination and long-term sustained action. “Hope” for the survival of the republic and its economy and freedoms can be reduced to one word “liberty.” Liberty applied reveals truth. Exhilarating liberation and very painful realities. Realities that require one to embrace truth and then speak and live it with courage, integrity and uncompromising resolve in the face of pressure groups. Truths that expose facts and lessons that have taught us that the federal government is not here to sustain the people. Truths that tell us that government is not the answer. That peace, personal responsibility, freedom, respect for personal property and laissez-faire capitalism are keys to the future success of America.

Liberty in all it stands for and ways it once existed, its growth and continuation will determine our free society and economy. And that of the world as well. America is not nearly the free and sovereign nation it once was. If we continue to make decisions to the contrary and slip closer to full socialism, then there will be no hope for all nations.

Liberty, I have learned, allows people the freedom to be individuals and live their lives as they wish. It creates community where we can support each other locally and gives the opportunity for all to pursue happiness. Liberty mends the things that divide us. It harmonizes race. It creates truly free markets that bring about what Libertarian columnist Lew Rockwell describes as, cooperative trading relationships were people work towards their mutual advantage. Liberty is the successful blueprint that propagates peace and truth among ourselves and with all nations.

Through peace we are free to focus on invention, trade, health, environment, efficiency, learning and investing thus leading to prosperity. Wealth is something that can only flourish from the energy and creativity of truly free men and women. Economic growth occurs through capital accumulation in a setting of liberty. Liberty improves the living standards of all mankind, guarantees natural rights and builds civilization. Liberty saves all.