‘Burning’ lunges offer workout for your legs

There’s no question about it. Stationary lunges burn! If you’re a heat freak, you can elevate the level of the burn and challenge your balance by adding a kettlebell to this exercise. While standing, grasp a kettlebell with your right hand and extend both arms down by your side. With your shoulders back and down and abs tight, look forward and descend into a lunge with your right knee directly over your right ankle and your right thigh parallel to the floor. Your left knee will approach the floor. Once in a fully lunged position, transfer the kettlebell from your right hand to your left hand beneath your right thigh. With your weight in your right heel, squeeze your right thigh to raise back up. Immediately descend into a fully lunged position again and transfer the kettlebell back to your right hand. Try 12 to 16 reps and then switch legs and try the same amount of reps with the left leg forward.