Census: More women obtain college degrees

March is National Women’s History Month. Here is a capsule view of the status of women in the United States today, as provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.

¢ 153.6 million: Estimated number of women in the United States (compared with 149.4 million men).

¢ 82.8 million: Approximate number of mothers.

¢ 59 percent: How many females 16 and older work outside the home. (For males, it’s 74 percent.)

¢ $32,649: Median annual earnings (half make more, half less) of females 16 and older who work full time and year-round. Maryland is one of three states where women average more than $40,000 in wages.

¢ 77 cents: How much women are paid, on average, for every $1 that men earn. In the District of Columbia, women make 98 cents for every $1 that men are paid.

¢ 26.8 million: Number of women 25 and older with a college degree or more education. (This is more than double the number from 20 years ago.)

¢ 3 million: Number of girls participating in high school sports. (This is about twice the number from 30 years ago.)