Antique cars to tour area

A caravan of Hupmobiles will be driving through Lawrence on Tuesday.

More than 20 owners of the early 20th century antique cars are arriving in Topeka this weekend to tour the area. They are members of the Hupmobile Club, which has members nationally and internationally. The Hupmobile was manufactured in Detroit between 1908 and 1941.

At 9 a.m. Tuesday the Hupmobiles will arrive at the Dole Institute of Politics on Kansas University’s West Campus. Later in the morning the group will drive to Allen Fieldhouse for a tour and then downtown so members can eat lunch at various restaurants. The cars will be parked in a parking lot at 10th and Kentucky streets.

Don and Betty Smarker, Topeka, are members of the Hupmobile Club and the organizers of the trip.

“They like to see some history and we just wanted to highlight some of the good things in the area,” Betty Smarker said.