These stay-healthy superfoods deserve place in your kitchen

What if keeping a widely stocked kitchen meant you’d have to worry less about what’s in your medicine cabinet? Even though there are no “magic” foods that can take the place of say, aspirin or a decongestant, eating well can protect against a surprising number of ailments. Learn how to eat to beat stress, insomnia, headaches and more in the latest issue of Woman’s Day. Take a look at some of the stay-healthy super-foods and how they can help you:

Beat stress with…

¢ Sunflower seeds: A good source of folate, which helps your body produce a pleasure-inducing brain chemical called dopamine.

Get energized with…

¢ Almonds or almond butter: they help stabilize energy levels thanks to a mix of protein and healthy fat.

Fight insomnia with…

¢ Low-fat yogurt: calcium-riched foods boost levels of serotonin, a calming hormone that promotes sleep.

Get glowing skin with…

¢ Blackberries and raspberries: Antioxidant-rich berries prevent early signs of aging by fighting off free radicals.

Combat a headache with…

¢ Kale: Magnesium-rich greens like kale may help you have fewer migraines by fighting inflammation.

Boost your mood with…

¢ Popcorn: All-natural air-popped popcorn can raise your levels of serotonin, which may lift your mood.

Up your odds of getting pregnant with…

¢ Walnuts: Having more mono-unsaturated fats (found in walnuts) in lieu of saturated and trans fats may help boost fertility.

Burn fat faster with…

¢ Chile peppers: They’ve got capsaicin, a compound that may kick-start your metabolism.

Pump up your immune system with…

¢ Cantaloupe: Just 1 cup gives you more than 100 percent of your daily recommendation for vitamin C.