
For Tuesday, July 15

The quality of your daily life is up for grabs. Change your work or daily pattern if you want. This type of attitude could prevent you from feeling bored with your life. If you are single, by 2009 you could meet someone in your daily travels. If you are attached, consider taking up a new hobby that would allow the two of you to be together more often. Sagittarius always is willing to pitch in.

The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult

Aries (March 21-April 19)

¢¢¢¢ Trying to keep the lid on several evolving situations could be difficult, but it is doable. A verbal exchange could deliver much more information than what you think you are hearing. Tonight: Detach.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

¢¢¢¢ A partner doesn’t waver. A surprise buys you some space. Conversations clear the air and mobilize your associates’ or friends’ energy. Tonight: Togetherness needs to be the theme.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

¢¢¢¢ You might want to rethink a decision. Others want to dominate and will continue to do so no matter what you do or say. Tonight: Go along with a suggestion.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

¢¢¢ Focus on your daily life. Let go of what isn’t in sync. Once you make a space for it, something better will march in. Tonight: Easy does it.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

¢¢¢¢¢ Your playfulness sometimes is misread. Do be specific and clarify if you get a sense that someone isn’t getting it. You know what works. Tonight: Kick up your heels.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

¢¢¢ If you can stay close to home and center yourself, you will be a lot happier. Know when to pull back and avoid a problematic situation. Tonight: Be a couch potato.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

¢¢¢¢ You have a way of stating your case and moving a situation along. You could be a bit taken aback by events and what is going on. Tonight: Visit over dinner.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

¢¢¢ Be careful how much you reveal, especially financially. You could feel slightly out of sync. Deal with someone directly and with care. Tonight: Your treat.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

¢¢¢¢¢ You sparkle and feel up to nearly any challenge. The problem remains that you might not be able to anticipate some of the hassles. Tonight: Get ready to reverse gears.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

¢¢¢ Step back. Trust that someone will step up to the plate. You might not like everything you hear, but this too will pass. Tonight: New vistas.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

¢¢¢¢¢ Your friends stand behind you. This type of support can mean much more than you realize. Be open to possibilities. Tonight: Where you want to be.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

¢¢¢ Step up to the plate. You make a big difference when you assume the role of leader. If someone is very critical, let it be. Tonight: Could be late!