Tough times

The budget decisions facing city, county and school officials are no more difficult than the spending choices local taxpayers are having to make every day.

Local government officials shouldn’t need a reminder that they aren’t the only ones facing difficult financial times.

But just in case:

County Administrator Craig Weinaug has indicated it would take a 5.75-mill property tax increase next year just to maintain county services at their current levels. He plans to propose budget cuts that would lower that increase by 2 or 3 mills. City and school officials are likely to face similar budget challenges.

No one wants to see a reduction in services, but local taxpayers are facing challenges of their own. With food and gasoline prices soaring, it’s not a good time for local residents to see their tax bills go up.

As city and county commissioners and school board members start work on budgets for the coming year, they need to remember that things are tough all over. That means they must make the same kind of tough decisions for public budgets that individuals are having to make at home.