Vick confirmed at Federal Prison Camp in Leavenworth

Michael Vick, who pleaded guilty to federal dogfighting charges, transferred to the Federal Prison Camp in Leavenworth this afternoon, according to Traci Billingsley, spokeswoman for the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

The Federal Prison Camp is rated a minimum security facility and is located adjacent to the United States Penitentiary in Leavenworth.

The Atlanta Falcons quarterback was sentenced to 23 months in prison on Dec. 10 in Richmond, Va. Vick’s sentence was lengthened when he failed a drug test for marijuana after pleading guilty to the dogfighting charges.

According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons Web site, Vick is listed as “in transit” on the prison inmate locator. An inmate “in transit” has been moved from the Bureau of Prisons’ facility and is no longer in the bureau’s custody. The inmate may or may not return.

Yahoo! Sports reported Friday that Vick transferred to Leavenworth to participate in a prison-monitored drug rehabilitation program.

Billingsley couldn’t confirm if Vick would enter or be eligible for the drug rehabilitation program.

The bureau’s Web site lists several factors for eligibility to the nonresidential drug abuse treatment services program, such as:

1. The inmate must have a verifiable documented drug abuse problem.

2. The inmate must have no serious mental impairment which would substantially interfere with or preclude full participation in the program.

3. The inmate must sign an agreement acknowledging his/her program responsibility.

The Yahoo! report said if Vick completed the program, he could be released from prison after 12 months, which would cut his initial sentence nearly in half.

If released after 12 months, Vick would be out of prison at the beginning of 2009 at the earliest. That would likely put the quarterback in position to be ready for the 2009 NFL season, which starts in September.

Before Vick plays football again, though, he has to clear several obstacles. First and foremost, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell suspended Vick indefinitely after he pleaded guilty to the dogfighting charges.

Furthermore, Vick hasn’t exactly boosted his image lately, so he’d have to persuade whichever team takes a gamble on him that he’s worth the risk. And, most of all, Vick would have to stay out of trouble and pass frequent drug tests.