Dating tips for ‘the post-35 man’

The February issue of Best Life asks how men like Jack Nicholson and Bruce Willis are still attracting (much) younger women. Mystery, star of VH1’s “The Pick-up Artist,” offers his “Dating tips for the post-35 man”:

¢ Be seen with other women. This will communicate that you have something to offer.

¢ Bring the competition with you. Bring your friends around so women will see that you have a loyal and committed group of friends.

¢ Leave your doormat at home. Tell a woman if something is wrong, they want to know you’re human and not a pushover.

¢ Take risks. Stepping outside of your comfort zone tells a woman you would be open to such risks as having children together. And that maybe, your children will be risk-takers, too.

Fun fact

In a recent survey by Best Life/American Express Platinum, 1,026 men ages 30 to 54 were asked, “What’s the most important trait for compatibility with a wife?” The No. 1 answer was trust with 44 percent. Beauty came in last with 4 percent.