New wing touts themed rooms, fresh twist on Sunday school

Paul Mergenhagen, of Real Fake Buildings of Atlanta, works on a scene that incorporates a spaceship. It's part of a new addition to the Lawrence Free Methodist Church, 3001 Lawrence Ave.

Walk on the moon, go under the sea and crawl through trees in the jungle – that’s exactly what the Lawrence Free Methodist Church is inviting children and teens to do.

The church, 3001 Lawrence Ave., is holding an open house from 1 p.m.-4 p.m. today for its new $2.4 million children’s and youth wing.

The wing is 30,000 square feet, three floors and built exclusively with kids in mind, says the Rev. Bill Bump, senior pastor at the church.

“Kids respond to a compelling environment,” Bump says. “We see it as real different from what’s normally built for kids.”

The floor for the estimated 130 children at the church between pre-kindergarten to sixth grade has themed “discovery zone” rooms built by Real-Fake Buildings, based in Atlanta.

Kids ages 4 and 5 enter through a tree into the jungle room, complete with bamboo and a trading post in their room. Meanwhile, children in kindergarten through second grade are treated to a room with a shipwreck and a coral reef disguising the stage where they perform skits and sing during Sunday school.

Third-graders through sixth-graders have a space-themed room with fiber-optic stars on the ceiling, moon rock and a lunar module entrance and exit on their stage.

Teens, meanwhile, get their own space downstairs, where junior high and high school students can lounge on comfy couches during Sunday school in a room they helped design. Across the hall, they can unwind with a game room stocked with two Wii consoles and games such as foosball and air hockey, and they enjoy Sunday morning food from their own kitchen.

The top floor is not in use by the church yet and is rented out to a dance and gymnastics group.

“This shows the children and teens how valuable they are to our church,” Bump says.