Healthier behaviors require healthier thinking

Q: Every new year I really think I’m going to start eating healthier and exercise more, but I always fail. How do I get on track?

A: Last summer I had the opportunity to participate in an in-depth course on “Coaching Healthy Behaviors” at The Cooper Institute in Dallas, founded by Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper. If you’re not familiar with Dr. Cooper, he is the pioneer of the aerobic movement in the United States and coined the term “aerobics” in 1968.

During the course, much time was spent on clearly understanding the psychological theories of behavior change. It’s important to remember that we must change the way we think before we can change the way we act. Unfortunately, knowledge about the consequences of unhealthy habits is not enough to motivate people to change.

Based on the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change, it is important to understand the five “stages of change” and identify your “readiness to change.”

Here are the five stages of change and common characteristics of people in these stages. Where do you fit?

Precontemplation — “I can’t” and “I won’t”; not intending to change.

• 4 R’s: Reluctance, Rebellion, Resignation, Rationalization.

• Have no serious intention to change behavior in the foreseeable future, certainly not within the next six months.

• Unaware of the health problems, risks or long term consequences or may have high awareness but deny that the consequences are relevant to them or they rationalize their current behavior.

• Unaware of the many benefits of the desirable behaviors; consequently, they minimize the importance of them.

• May resist suggestions on ways to benefit their health and may deny that their behavior is less than optimal.

• May feel discouraged about their ability to change. Perhaps they have tried and failed in the past and have become demoralized, no longer believing that they are capable of changing (i.e. New Year’s resolution). Or they may have become disillusioned by having attempted too great or too rapid a behavior change at some time in the past (i.e. “The Biggest Loser” challenge.)

• Cons of changing greatly outnumber or outweigh the pros.

Contemplation — “I may”; thinking about change.

• May be thinking about changing within the next six months, but have not committed to taking action.

• Aware of problem and considering overcoming it, but there is still great ambivalence.

• May not know how to get started.

• May know what to do but not quite ready to take the first step.

• Reasons not to change (the barriers) still outweigh the reasons to change (the benefits). Perhaps a barrier to being healthy, such as time or energy, seems too difficult to overcome.

• Waiting for something to happen to them to make them change.

• Open to learning.

Preparation — “I will”; ready and preparing to change.

• Time frame of change usually within the next 30 days.

• May already be acting on their desire to change and making short-term attempts at the desired behavior, but not on a regular basis (i.e. participate in a walking program for eight weeks and then stop after program is over.)

• May have a plan and know what they need to do, yet may be uncertain or anxious about the outcomes of their actions (i.e. stop smoking).

• May show small signs of progress, but are sporadic (i.e. eat healthy meals while at work, but then revert to unhealthy behaviors when eating out, eating at home, or eating with friends.)

• May have taken some action in the recent past that had mixed or inconsistent results (i.e. joined a gym but only worked out once a week).

• Benefits and barriers are equal.

Action — “I am”; taking action for less than six months.

• Building new behavior patterns. Have modified behavior and/or environment to overcome barriers and change their lifestyle.

• Requires considerable commitment of time and energy.

• Needs external motivation (i.e. a support network, a buddy system, hang around people who are “positive” thinkers and motivators).

• Greatest risk of relapse or reverting to old patterns of behavior during this stage. Remember, a lapse does not mean failure — it’s a normal part of the change process.

• Benefits outweigh barriers.

Maintenance — “I still am”; sustained desirable behavior for more than 6 months.

• Easier to maintain new behavior.

• New behavior is becoming a habit.

• Less chance of relapse, but is still possible. May have experienced periods of time when lapses occurred, but were successful in reestablishing the desired behavior.

• Benefits far outweigh the barriers.

— Susan Krumm is an Extension agent in family and consumer sciences with K-State Research and Extension-Douglas County, 2110 Harper St. She can be reached at 843-7058.