Having the alcohol, drug, sex talk

Julie Ross, executive director of Parenting Horizons, and a mom since 1988, shares some great tips with The MomTini Lounge (www.MomTiniLounge) on talking to your kids about sex, drugs and alcohol. We can’t learn enough about this touchy but critical “to do” in our job.

Ross says there’s a correlation between information and behavior — specifically, the more information kids have about sex, drugs and alcohol, the less likely they are to engage in risky behaviors. Furthermore, she suggests that there’s a definite window of opportunity in terms of when to engage in conversations on these important but “prickly” subjects.

“If you put off these conversations until the tween years, that uncomfortable period of time when your child’s body is changing, her emotions are in flux, and her resistance to taking advice may be at an all time high,” she explains.

Here are some tips Ross provided to help parents start and continue these important conversations:

• Know the facts. When you’ve finally gotten your child to sit down for a talk is not the time to be fumbling around for the right words. Prepare ahead of time so that you know exactly what facts, issues and values you are going to communicate in this first (of many) conversations. If you have to rehearse it out loud in the bathroom mirror so you won’t blush, do so. There’s nothing that makes a tween less likely to listen than an uncomfortable parent.

• Give your tween a choice about when to have the conversation. Do not, however, make the choice open-ended, or it will never happen. Say something like: “I want to make sure you have the information you need about sex/drugs/alcohol. Would you like to have the conversation now or at 5 o’clock?”

• Don’t be deterred by the age-old “Oh Mom, I already KNOW all that stuff.” Say: “I’m sure you already have the information and it’s my job to make sure that I, personally, communicate it to you as well. When would you like to meet?”

• Acknowledge your child’s feelings if she’s uncomfortable. Say, “I know this is awkward, and you don’t have to say anything unless you want to. All you have to do is hear me out.”

• When you discuss sex, remember that kissing, petting, oral sex and anal sex are all sexual activities and must be explicitly mentioned and discussed. Be sure to include your values about sex by saying something like: “Sex is an important and life-changing decision and should not be taken lightly. It’s an intimate and pleasurable experience, but only with the right person and in the right context.” Exhibit trust by saying, “I know that you’re responsible and trustworthy, and that you will not take a relationship to the next level too quickly.” Children live up to our expectations, so it’s important to communicate our positive expectations, not our negative ones.

• When talking about alcohol, state your expectations about alcohol use clearly. You might say something like: “Underage drinking is illegal and I know that you’ll respect that and not experiment.” Talk openly about alcohol poisoning and the dangers of drinking to get drunk.

• When discussing drugs, have the facts. There are many new designer drugs on the market that you may not know about. In addition, household products are often used as mood elevators or depressants: educate yourself about these as well. A good resource for up-to-date information about drugs is www.theantidrug.com.