Right to life

To the editor:

Charlotte Ostermann’s letter (Public Forum, Dec. 10) pointed to the horrific reality of an abortion. One blog replied that, they did not believe in abortion but did not feel they had the right to tell someone else they could not have an abortion. The only way a person can come to this conclusion is to first refuse to believe that the child in the womb is a human and second that the abortion is a “procedure” similar to (insert favorite elective surgery).

The child is a human being; just ask a first-year medical student what their text says. If you think “waterboarding” is torture, how do you feel about saline scalding and poisoning or dismemberment one limb at a time?

Think about this, America. Approximately 50 million children have been murdered since Roe vs. Wade. Fifty million times, a human being in America was denied the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness as guaranteed by the Constitution.

What makes any of us think we have a right to life?

Scott Burkhart,