Old Home Town – 100 years ago

From the Lawrence Daily World of Aug. 27, 1908: “A.J. Banks, a farmer living near Lecompton, has a corn crop he believes will yield some 80 bushels to the acre. He says he has never seen prospects for such an enormous yield. : Members of the Christian Church were making an active canvass along local streets today soliciting public funds for their new church building, due to cost some $40,000. They report local people have been very generous. They hope to get $20,000 from non-church sources. : Local people trying to get a solid agency to obtain a street car franchise here say they are discouraged by the prospects. General Electric seems interested but says it needs official approval soon to move ahead here rather that somewhere else. : The Union Pacific says it will run a special train to Topeka tomorrow for those wishing to attend the appearance by Democratic presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan.”