On the Money: American depository receipts

American Depository Receipts, or ADRs, allow investors to directly purchase foreign equities listed on U.S. stock exchanges.

If you’d like to learn about ADRs and adding foreign stocks to your investment portfolios, a good spot to start would be on the World Wide Web.

Here are a few places worth a look:

¢ The Bank of New York


Has information about ADR basics as well as statistics and performance data.

¢ The Investment FAQ

invest-faq.com/articles/ stock-adrs.html

Explains the ins and outs of ADRs, and how they work.

¢ Investopedia

www.investopedia.com/ university/adr/

Provides ADR basics and risks.

¢ U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission


Offers an online brochure discussing international investing, including ADRs.