Old Home Town – 100 years ago

From the Lawrence Daily World for April 25, 1908: “The jury in the Frank Schneck murder trial in Ottawa has convicted Schneck as guilty of murder in the first degree. The verdict came after a third ballot. Schneck will be sentenced under the old law, ‘to be hung by the neck until dead’ – which means life imprisonment in the state penitentiary under current law. There is doubt he will be hanged. He was found guilty of killing his wife. : Ida M. Tarbell, the distinguished biographer of Abraham Lincoln, flayer of industrialist John D. Rockefeller and leading woman writer in the magazine field, spoke to a journalism group here. She drew a big crowd and discussed the goals of journalism and the best ways to pursue them. ‘The trained reporter,’ she said, ‘is no less a reporter than an investigator. : There is a tendency to play up sensational features of a story but getting at the truth is the main goal, or should be for a truly good reporter.’ : The semi-annual meeting of the Women’s Missionary Social Union was held yesterday at the Baptist church and drew women leaders from most churches here.”