Public input sought on development plan

Lawrence-Douglas County planners are beginning work on a massive plan to guide how 4,000 acres along the Farmers Turnpike should develop.

Planners are seeking public input on what issues should be studied as part of the plan. City and county residents have until Friday to participate in the first round of public comment. Comments can be e-mailed to or sent to P.O. Box 708, Lawrence 66044.

The area under study includes the intersection of Interstate 70 and the South Lawrence Trafficway and stretches east about four miles along the Farmers Turnpike, also known as North 1800 Road.

Part the area – the area north of the Lecompton Interchange on the Kansas Turnpike – is being eyed by developers. A group of local developers has asked the city of Lawrence to annex about 155 acres northeast of the interchange. Plans have been proposed to develop the area into a business park.

The City Commission is expected to debate the annexation request at its April 15 meeting. The 4,000-acre sector plan is not expected to be completed until June.