Money tip

You can minimize your risk of becoming a victim of identity theft by following these simple rules:

¢ Carry as little information as possible. Don’t walk around with your Social Security card, birth certificate or passport unless it’s absolutely necessary.

¢ Keep a list of account numbers and contact information. This will streamline the process of reporting cards missing and ordering replacements.

¢ Secure your computer. Virus and spyware protection are your first line of defense. Also, set up your computer to automatically download any updates or “patches.”

¢ Watch what you throw away. We’ll say it again: It pays to invest in a shredder. You’re tempting fate when you throw away financial information, like bank statements, ATM receipts and credit-card offers.

¢ Place a fraud alert on your account. If you’re concerned about identity theft, contact the three major credit bureaus, Experian, TransUnion and Equifax, and have a fraud alert placed on your file. Your account will be monitored only for 90 days unless you reactivate the alert.