Three primary solutions: Flee, build dikes, raise buildings

There are three primary ways for coastal areas to survive the rising seas predicted with global warming. None is perfect. None is cheap.

The first option is to retreat. Abandon the low-lying area to the oncoming sea and build farther inland. Think parts of the disappearing Louisiana coastline.

But some properties along the coasts are so valuable and involve so much infrastructure that they can’t be abandoned.

So in those areas, artificial protection could be devised through earthen levees and dikes. Or there could be costly high-tech solutions. The Netherlands, which is mostly at or below sea level, has the world’s largest flood control system with an intricate system of barriers, levees, sluices, pumps and a gigantic swinging sea gate. The cost over 40 years was about $18 billion to protect a country the size of Maryland.

The cost would be prohibitive to protect all U.S. coastal regions, and such efforts would change some wetlands into freshwater lakes.

The third option is to raise the elevation of buildings and land on the coast. This is expensive and requires constant battles against the elements.