Local folly

To the editor:

The lead editorial in Wednesday’s New York Times and the topic of Wednesday’s University Forum were a perfect fit, and one can only hope that the members of the Planning Commission and the City Commission have, or will, read them.

In the former, the writer points out the problems being created by our need to move to biofuels, with the consequent raising of corn and soybean prices and concomitant increase in food prices. At the forum we heard of the proposal to asphalt over acres of prime farmland north of Lawrence for an industrial park designed, not to meet local needs, but to satisfy the desires of a developer and a limited number of landowners.

Are we so short-sighted that we cannot see the senseless folly in this proposal? Before the bulldozers of greed start their engines, speak out to the commissioners and urge them to stop this project NOW!

Elizabeth Banks,
