‘Birth’ takes center stage at Lawrence Arts Center

Lynn Villafuerte practices her lines during rehearsal for Birth, a play in which eight women share their birthing experiences. The show, written by Karen Brody and based on interviews with hundreds of women, will be staged this weekend at the Lawrence Arts Center, 940 N.H., as part of Birth Week.

Childbirth, by its nature, can be dramatic.

So it’s only natural that labor might make good stage drama.

“Birth: The Play,” which will be staged this weekend at the Lawrence Arts Center, 940 N.H., tells the childbirth stories of eight different mothers.

Told through monologues and bare-bones props, their stories range from a planned C-section to a home birth, and several other labors across the spectrum.

It’s by Karen Brody, founder of the national organization Birth on Labor Day (BOLD), who interviewed hundreds of women before she wrote it.

“The main goal is to just get people talking and thinking about birth,” says Lilly Mason, the Lawrence doula who is directing the play. “There are strange things going on in our birth culture in the United States. The best way to address that is for everybody who’s giving birth – the mamas and the papas – to think about it.”

Those strange things, Mason says, include a high C-section rate and an infant mortality rate that’s too high for our country’s advanced technology.

The play will be at 7 p.m. Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost $5 and are available at the arts center.

The production is part of Birth Week, being organized by several local organizations. Other events include a screening of films about birth at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 26 at the Solidarity! Revolutionary Center & Radical Library, 1109 Mass., and a Birth Fair from 1 p.m.-4 p.m. Sept. 30 at the arts center.