Bush threat

To the editor:

Just how comfortable are the citizens of the United States with the idea of leaving George W. Bush in the presidency until the year 2009?

How comfortable should Congress be? Now that he is beating the war drums again and talking about the possibility of World War III? Here is a man who cannot speak in complete sentences and has lost the confidence of the majority of Americans, and yet he has the power to use the red telephone and destroy the planet.

I merely ask the question: Should not Congress be considering the possibility of removing him from office as soon as possible? Would it not make all of us feel better? Consider that even the Republican base is putting as much distance between him and themselves as they can, hoping to somehow survive the next election.

Also consider whether Dick Cheney would be better or possibly even worse. Perhaps they should leave office the same way they came into office: together.

E.G. Hickam,
