Pet massacre sparks Web petition drive

? The fury over the massacre of dozens of seized dogs and cats in Puerto Rico has gone global.

Thousands of people from Puerto Rico and around the world have signed an online petition calling on the governor of the U.S. Caribbean territory to ensure those who hurled some 80 pets off a highway bridge last week are brought to justice.

Nadia Donato, a 39-year-old New Yorker, said Wednesday an Associated Press story that appeared Friday about the slaughter of the dogs and cats drove her to tears – and to launch the petition drive.

A local activist will deliver the list of names and messages to Gov. Anibal Acevedo Vila’s residence in San Juan during a demonstration on Sunday, Donato said.

The petition’s Web site lists more than 6,000 signatures. Many who signed are from Puerto Rico, but signatures also appear from such far-flung countries as Finland, Argentina, Malaysia and Australia.