Private recyclers

To the editor:

Regarding Elizabeth Black’s Monday cry for recycling service in Lawrence, she’s absolutely right that recycling is important, but she’s a bit off the mark writing that in Lawrence she is reduced to the inconvenience of “driving to Wal-Mart … with my hands sticking to the steering wheel.”

Although our city unfortunately doesn’t offer a recycling service, there are two private recycling services that I know of; there may be more. For a modest monthly fee, I avoid the ick factor of ferrying all that recycling to Wal-Mart in my car.

For whatever reasons, a citywide recycling service provided by the city has been found by at least one past exploratory committee to not be feasible for Lawrence. This is unfortunate and may change if landfill fees increase or whatever. In the meantime, I recommend that Ms. Black give one of the private recycling companies a try.

Tom Hoffman,
