Tricks for looking good when you’re feeling bad

Imagine this: You wake up one morning with achy muscles, itchy eyes, a runny nose and a cough that just won’t quit. You’ve caught a cold and, whether it’s because you’re meeting with a client or making a big presentation, missing a day of work just isn’t an option.

Allison Dickson, a Los Angeles-based stylist and founder of The, offers a few tips for looking your best when you have a cold, even if the only thing you want to do is stay in bed:

¢ Conceal, not cover: A little foundation might be useful to soften flushed, red cheeks if you have a fever.

“Dab a bit on your cheeks, but think ‘blend,’ not ‘spackle.’ And don’t forget concealer under your eyes,” Dickson says. “You want to focus on your inner eye socket area because that area can get sunken and dark when you’re not feeling so hot.”

¢ Whiten up: “Nothing says ‘I’m sick’ like bloodshot eyes, so before you walk out the door, remove any redness with drops that will also lubricate and cool your eyes,” Dickson says.

¢ Keep hair simple and soft: The best thing to do with your hair when you’re not feeling well is to keep it simple and soft. Even an up-do will work if it’s paired with wispy bangs and just lightly twisted up.

“Avoid a head full of hair pins that will need attention all day because you won’t feel like tending to it and, before you know it, you’ll have a droopy bird’s nest up there,” Dickson says. “Wearing your hair down with soft bangs is also nice, or you can add a neat headband.”

¢ What not to wear: You’re already pale and paltry if you’re not feeling well, so stay away from that white, button-front shirt you always wear. Even your beloved black basics might be a bit too harsh, except as a pant or skirt. Instead, go with a soft, comforting V-neck sweater.

“Opting for a V-neck draws the eye away from your face, so leave the turtlenecks in your closet for another day,” Dickson says.