Uphold decision

To the editor:

A letter in response to Earl Watkins’ public letter to Gov. Sebelius:

Mr. Watkins,

After reading your public letter/advertisement in the Lawrence Journal-World on Saturday, I would like to give my thoughts on the matter as a concerned citizen of the state.

I found your letter to be a string of lies that attempt to convince the people of Kansas that they need your coal plants. To be clear, burning coal is a leading cause of smog, acid rain, global warming and air toxins. You have complained of unfairness among other CO2 emitters in the state as a reason for the state’s decision to be overturned, which is nothing more than sophomoric, corporate whining. At some point a line has to be drawn for the survival of our planet, and there is no reason that Kansas can’t set an example for the rest of the nation. I see this as an opportunity, not a “burden,” as you have stated.

What is truly unfair is that your coal plants will cause catastrophic health and environmental damages to the unborn generations of this world. If you are interested in becoming a player in the future of Kansas energy, please consider switching to more sustainable energy sources like biomass, solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. I fully support the decision of Gov. Sebelius and KDHE Secretary Rod Bremby and I strongly urge them to uphold their ban.

David A. Gnojek,
