Impostor sneaks through 8 months at Stanford

? What would you do to attend Stanford?

An 18-year-old Fullerton, Calif., woman spent the past eight months posing as a freshman biology major, buying textbooks, sneaking into meals, even moving into a dorm with an unsuspecting roommate.

Because she never had a Stanford ID or a school-issued dorm key, she got in and out of her dorm by climbing through the first-floor window.

Her story started unraveling this month, and now the university – and her stunned circle of friends and dorm mates – are looking back on how a woman described as a sweet, bespectacled student could have pulled off such a ruse.

University officials ordered the woman off campus Monday but are saying little about their investigation of Azia Kim, identified in Thursday’s edition of the Stanford Daily newspaper.

The episode is under investigation by Stanford police and student affairs officials.