The call that changed it all

The best two minutes I've had in a long time

Before I got the phone call, the day seemed long, boring, and stressful. But when that phone rang at 4:40 p.m. everything changed.

My hour will start at 4:30. I had been waiting since Wednesday night to find out who would be chosen at editor-in-hief of my school newspaper, The Budget. We had individual interviews with a committee made up of seven teachers and the principal right after school Wednesday. We were supposed to find out the results that night but, it was too close and they couldn’t decide. So we waited. After 24 hours of nervously waiting I needed something to keep my mind off of it. So I headed to the car wash with my best friend, Courtney.

We arrived at the car wash at 4:35. We began vacuuming the car and right as I began my phone rang. It was my journalism advisor Heather Lawrenz. It was so loud from the vacuums that I could barely hear the phone ring. I knew that this phone call would change my life. So I ran about 150 feet from the vacuums to hear the phone. I answered trying to sound as composed as possible.

The phone call lasted only two minutes, but it was the best two minutes I have had in a long time. Lawrenz told me that she and the board had spent a very long time debating but, they had finally come to a decision. She offered me the position of co-editor-in-chief for the 2007-2008 school year. Of course I accepted. When I hung the phone up I ran over to my best friend as fast as I could. She knew from the smile on my face that I had gotten it. We jumped up and down for a while and I made a phone call to my mom telling her the good news. We spent another 20 minutes washing the car and then raced home.

I arrived at home at 5:05 and was met by my mom with a huge hug and a big congrats. No one can understand how much I wanted it besides my mom. She knew how hard I was working and how much energy I spent preparing. After talking with her for a few minutes I headed up stairs. I spent the next few hours getting calls and making calls for family, friends, and other people who just wanted to wish me a job well done. Although the hour in my day is over, for me, this is just the beginning.