More medals

To the editor:

The president awarded the Medal of Freedom to former CIA chief George Tenet, who provided inadequate intelligence that helped make the case for the war. He also gave the Medal of Freedom to Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Brenner, who most people now agree mismanaged the occupation.

Now a question occurs. Where are the medals for the courageous public officials who got it right and told the truth? There should be a medal for Gen. Shinseki, who said before the Iraq war that it would require several hundred thousand troops to stabilize Iraq after the war.

A medal also should be given to Larry Lindsey, a top White House aide who was fired when he told a newspaper that an Iraq war could cost $200 billion. There should be medals for the handful of senators and congressmen who voted against giving the president the power to go to war with Iraq. A special medal should go to senator Russ Feingold who introduced a resolution before the war to force the president to answer questions regarding cost and plans for Iraq after the war. For these courageous and thoughtful public servants, truth and service to America trumped support for a misguided president.

Joe Spradlin,
