Old Home Town – 100 years ago

From the Lawrence Daily World for March 25, 1907: “The city of Lawrence now has a record 3,010 eligible to vote and this is an increase this year of 839. This would seem to squelch the rumors that ‘the whisky crowd’ had organized to try to swing the voting in favor of the joints. : Frederick J. Ecke is celebrating 50 years here. He came to Lawrence from Illinois in 1857 at the age of 26 when the local population was only about 500 and Lawrence was a relatively primitive settlement. His list of fascinating stories is endless. At the time of Quantrill’s raid in 1863, he was battered and beaten by the raiders but managed to escape. He still has scars to show for the ordeal but he fared much better than the 160 men and boys who were slaughtered. : Hundreds were turned away from the local tabernacle revival of the Christian Church last night and more huge meetings seem assured. There must be improvements in ventilation.”