Matter of trust

To the editor:

The Bush administration warns of dire, tragic, catastrophic consequences if America withdraws its military presence from Iraq. Really? How could they possibly know? Have they gotten anything right yet? Can anyone remember the last time this administration told the truth? Incredibly, they still have the chutzpah to tell Americans they are predictors of the future; they really know what will happen; to just trust them on this one. Yeah, sure, because they are so honest, forthright and credible!

America is not a liberator. We are an invader, the occupier of Iraq for its oil. We have become convenient, open, inviting targets of opportunity for Iraq’s seventh-century, dark ages religious dogma that can never be resolved. Their religion and God are concepts of their imagination based on intangible thoughts, ideas and theories of the mind mandating Iraqis to willingly kill all who differ. Others choose dying as martyrs, a deliberate, delusional choice dictated by fanatical religious leaders. As long as America occupies Iraq, our troops will forever continue to come home in body bags. That is reality.

Mr. Bush claims Iraq is now a democracy. Fine, then “mission accomplished.” We can now leave and let Iraqis sort it out and take full responsibility for their country and future. America cannot save Iraq from itself, nor can we transform religious dogma. We cannot change it; only Iraqis can. Let them.

Curtis D. Bennett, Lawrence