Old Home Town – 100 years ago

From the Lawrence Daily World for March 22, 1907: “An issue of vital importance is the coming election for $40,000 in bonds to build a new high school annex focusing on manual training. Present high school enrollment is 550, and there is terrible crowding and inconvenience. Manual training, domestic science, botany, etc., would be helped by the addition. Registration books close tomorrow and there is a great emphasis on getting more women to vote since so few are registered. : People thought it was hot yesterday at 83 degrees, but the temperature reached 89 at 3 p.m. today. We learn that the record for March is 93, which was set in 1898, the first year official observations began here under the leadership of Dr. Snow at the university. … The case against Ed Stewart for hog-stealing was dismissed in Justice Brooks’s court this morning for lack of evidence. “