Tips for weathering the transition from maternity leave to work

Maternity leave is an important time for a mother to bond with a new baby. But when the time comes for a woman to return to work, the transition from maternity to the job can become a draining emotional challenge.

A new mother may experience a sense of guilt at having to leave the baby in another person’s care. Or, the challenge of juggling work and a new dynamic at home may seem taxing, if not overwhelming, initially.

A bit of advance planning before returning to the office can help ease the transition.

The Mayo Clinic offers the following suggestions to help women prepare for coming off maternity leave:

¢ Pinpoint a return-to-work date, and discuss it with the employer. Select a day falls later in the week, such as a Wednesday or Thursday, which can make the first week back a shorter, more manageable one.

¢ Don’t put off finding dependable childcare. Leaving a newborn with someone else often troubles many new mothers. Selecting a reliable childcare provider becomes very important to giving a new mother some degree of peace of mind. Carefully research different childcare providers and visit as many of their facilities as possible to get a first-hand look.

¢ Discuss job duties and work schedule with an employer before maternity leave ends. This will help eliminate any unexpected changes or assignments. Explore the possibilities of flexible hours or working from home, and be prepared to suggest ways for making a more flexible arrangement work.