Race coverage

To the editor:

I would hope that there are more than a few Lawrence voters who are paying attention to the publicity being generated during the current campaign for City Commission. An article in the J-W business section of Feb. 13 trumpeted the news that three of the candidates running for the City Commission seat vacancies were endorsed by the Lawrence Board of Realtors. Great publicity for the benefit of a few.

Then, another article just the last week or so about how much money these same candidates have raised. There is an axiom that is appropriate here: follow the money trail. It also is interesting that the two current commissioners running for re-election have been accused of not being able to articulate their accomplishments over the past two to four years. One can talk and “articulate” all you want, but if there is no media outlet to publicize these words, no one hears them.

Then, you all might look around and see just where the majority of the hundreds of signs for these top vote-getting candidates from the primary are placed. Would you believe real estate offices, rental home yards, apartment complex grounds, business property?

Lawrence residents in all the neighborhoods are very smart people and what I would hope Lawrencians will pay attention to and remember is an old saying among the farming communities of long ago.

“Ya gotta dance with the one that brung ya!”

Joleen Bechtel,
