Israel defense

To the editor:

I was disappointed that Bea Dewing’s comments were allowed to be printed in the June 11 Journal-World. I realize that letters to the editor are opinions, but her letter contained such inaccuracies and mean-spirited misrepresentations of the truth as to be incredibly offensive. Her comparison of Israeli politics and policies to apartheid and Jim Crow laws is completely false; Arabs living in Israel may be full citizens with voting rights.

In fact, a number of Arab-Israelis are or have been elected members of the Israeli Knesset. Ms. Dewing’s blaming of the Israeli government for the lack of a Palestinian state shows that she is ignorant of what is going on there. Palestinians have proven repeatedly that they are not currently capable of self-rule due to their own infighting and corruption; look what is happening in Gaza right now.

Finally, to call the security fence an “apartheid wall” is blatantly wrong. This fence was constructed by the Israeli government to protect its population from murderous attacks by suicide bombers. In fact, the fence has been very successful in keeping out terrorists who wish to kill Israelis. Unfortunately, it is an inconvenience to some Palestinians, but this fence is necessary to protect the lives of all citizens, whether they be Jewish, Muslim or Christian.

I hope that readers are able to distinguish thoughtful opinion from hate-filled lies.

Estra Grant,
